Frequently Asked Questions


What is Professional Services Automation (PSA) Software?

Professional Services Automation (PSA) software integrates time tracking, project management, resource management, invoice processing, and business intelligence into a single platform. It helps professional services organizations optimize service delivery, manage resources efficiently, and maximize profitability.

What is Kytes?

Kytes is a comprehensive enterprise SAAS solution enhancing project delivery, financials, and resource management through advanced technologies like AI, ML, and analytics. Established in 2006, Kytes tailors its pre-built processes to meet specific customer requirements, facilitating continuous profitability and productivity improvements.

What features does Kytes PSA offer?

Kytes PSA encompasses various modules including Proposal Management, Project Finance, Resource Management, Project Delivery, Business Process Management, KPI Tracking, and Enterprise Integrations. These features collectively improve revenue, project margins, resource utilization, and customer satisfaction while providing a unified view of business operations.

Who uses Kytes?

Kytes PSA serves a diverse range of industries with over 50 clients globally, including major companies like Tata Technologies, Quest Global, and Volkswagen. It is particularly suited for sectors like IT services, engineering, healthcare, and more.

How secure is the Kytes solution?

Kytes adheres to global standards like SOC1, SOC2, GDPR, and ISO 27001, ensuring robust security and compliance.

What ROI have clients achieved with Kytes?

Kytes PSA has enabled significant improvements for clients, including a 30-45 day increase in the revenue cycle, a 5-7% reduction in revenue leakage, and a 5-9% improvement in resource utilization, among other benefits.

Which platforms integrate with Kytes?

Kytes PSA supports data integration with various CRM, ERP, and HRMS tools such as Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, and Workday using REST APIs or staging tables.

Which industries benefit most from Kytes?

Kytes PSA is ideal for IT, engineering, healthcare, financial services, and project management organizations, among others, due to its versatile and industry-specific features.

How customizable is Kytes?

While Kytes PSA offers out-of-the-box solutions, it also provides extensive customization options to align with specific organizational workflows and rules.

Is there a mobile app for Kytes?

Yes, Kytes PSA offers a mobile app available on Android and iOS, supporting features such as timesheets, task management, and analytics.

Does Kytes support multi-currency financial management?

Yes, Kytes PSA handles all global currencies, enabling multi-currency reporting and transaction processing in projects.

Is Kytes available internationally?

Kytes PSA is utilized in over 15 countries, with a presence in India and the USA and plans for further global expansion.

Where are Kytes’ offices located?

The Kytes headquarters is in Pune, India, with additional offices in the USA and sales and support teams in Bangalore.

How does Kytes manage contract employees?

Kytes PSA effectively handles contract employee management, including timesheet and invoicing processes.

FAQs for Project Financials

How does Kytes help manage project financials?

Kytes PSA enables project teams to track both planned and actual financials regularly, providing detailed analyses to identify problems and take timely corrective actions. This helps in keeping each project financially healthy and achieving target revenues and profitability.

What support does Kytes offer for different contract types?

Kytes PSA supports various industry-standard contract types including Time & Materials (T&M), fixed price, outcome-based, and Fixed Monthly Billing (FMB). This flexibility facilitates seamless tracking of project financials, revenue recognition, and billing processes.

How does Kytes handle digitization and tracking of customer POs/SOWs?

Kytes PSA uses LLM-driven AI to digitize all Statements of Work (SOWs), tracking open and expired purchase orders, PO amendments, and upcoming renewals. This system helps eliminate revenue leakages and minimize unbilled amounts, ensuring comprehensive SOW tracking.

What functionalities does Kytes provide for billing and invoicing?

Kytes PSA automates the invoicing process by generating billing requests at predefined cycles or upon milestone completion. The system automatically generates invoice content from timesheet transactions and associated SOWs, facilitating reduced Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) and improved cash flow.

How does Kytes streamline the monthly book closure process?

Kytes PSA offers a comprehensive revenue recognition framework embedded with industry best practices, which simplifies the monthly book closure process. By automating revenue recognition, Kytes ensures accurate financial reporting and compliance, enhancing the financial management of projects.

FAQs for Resource Management

How does Kytes optimize resource allocation?

Kytes PSA utilizes AI-driven algorithms to maximize resource utilization by matching the right people with the right projects based on skills, experience, and availability. This helps in ensuring the best outcomes and improving project efficiency.

What capabilities does Kytes provide for forecasting resource demand?

Kytes PSA offers a consolidated resource forecast tool that integrates data from committed orders, opportunity pipelines, attrition rates, and annual business forecasts. This tool allows managers to break down supply gaps by skills, experience, and location, making resource planning actionable and precise.

How does Kytes ensure effective use of bench resources?

Kytes PSA effectively utilizes bench resources by mapping them against upcoming project demands, making these resources visible to the right managers at the right time. This approach helps in reducing idle time and enhancing project readiness.

What features does Kytes offer to maintain updated employee resumes and skills?

Kytes PSA features an AI-driven resume builder that keeps employee resumes updated with the latest skills and project experiences. It also helps in tracking and updating skills and proficiencies, ensuring a robust skills inventory that matches project requirements.

How does Kytes contribute to employee satisfaction and skill development?

Kytes PSA facilitates continuous skill development and career progression by identifying upskilling needs and providing resources for niche skill consolidation. This not only meets market needs but also improves employee satisfaction and reduces hiring costs by nurturing internal talent.

FAQs for Project Management

What project execution methodologies does Kytes support?

Kytes PSA supports multiple project execution methodologies, ensuring each project achieves optimal outcomes. Our platform offers various templates, artifacts, and quality metrics tailored to each methodology, providing both standardization and flexibility.

How does Kytes ensure high-quality project outcomes?

Kytes PSA employs robust quality metrics to track and measure factors like schedule variance, effort variance, defect density, and customer satisfaction (CSAT). Any deviations from set targets trigger a root cause analysis (RCA) and corrective actions, allowing trends to be monitored at multiple organizational levels.

What governance mechanisms are integrated into Kytes for project management?

Kytes PSA enhances project governance through structured project meetings, issue and action item tracking, gates and checklists, change request management, process tailoring, audit non-conformities (NCs), and overall project health assessments, thereby improving project outcomes.

How does Kytes manage project risks?

Our AI-driven project risk register assists in identifying, mitigating, and tracking risks until closure. Kytes PSA also captures potential opportunities from positive risks, providing a comprehensive approach to proactive risk management.

Can Kytes facilitate the execution of strategic initiatives across multiple projects and programs?

Kytes PSA enables the execution of strategic initiatives through robust portfolio, program, and project management tools. It allows tracking of financials, resources, and execution at both project and program levels for detailed executive reporting, supporting continual improvement and knowledge capture for future projects.

FAQs for Timesheet & Leave Management

Does Kytes ensure accurate timesheet compliance?

Yes. Kytes PSA digitizes the timesheet filling and approval process, making it easy for employees to submit their hours accurately. The user-friendly web and mobile interfaces lead to high compliance rates, ensuring that timesheets are completed on time and correctly.

What features does Kytes offer for leave management?

Kytes PSA offers an integrated leave management system that allows employees to apply for leave and managers to approve it seamlessly. It ensures that leave data is synchronized with timesheet data, preventing duplication and providing accurate leave accrual based on company policies.

How does Kytes handle attendance management?

Kytes PSA imports employee swipe data from various hardware devices, integrating it with timesheet and leave data. This comprehensive approach ensures that all attendance information is accurate and easily accessible for payroll processing and compliance.

Can Kytes help with labor law compliance?

Yes, Kytes PSA includes multiple timesheet controls to ensure compliance with labor laws across different geographies. These controls help prevent overbooking hours and minimize liabilities, ensuring your organization meets all legal requirements.

How does Kytes improve the payroll and billing process?

Kytes PSA integrates time booking, leave management, and attendance data, which is then used for employee payroll calculations and customer billing. This integration ensures that all data is accurate and up-to-date, streamlining payroll processing and ensuring precise billing.

FAQs for Collaboration & Communication

Can Kytes PSA enhance team collaboration on projects?

Yes. Kytes PSA provides a collaboration platform accessible via mobile app and web interface, enabling team members to stay informed about project updates, communicate online, and share comments, clarifications, and appreciations.

What is the benefit of the Kytes customer portal?

The Kytes PSA customer portal allows for seamless collaboration with customers, sharing specific project updates for their information and approval. This digital interaction boosts customer confidence and builds credibility.

How does Kytes improve workflow management?

Kytes PSA offers an inbuilt workflow management system with a graphical user interface, allowing users to design workflows using a drag-and-drop editor. This system helps digitize and automate multiple business processes, improving efficiency and control.

What types of alerts and notifications does Kytes provide?

Kytes PSA provides timely alerts, reminders, and escalations to keep users updated on project statuses and other important updates. These notifications help ensure timely actions, reducing delays and oversight.

Can Kytes be accessed on mobile devices?

Yes, Kytes PSA offers a mobile application for both iOS and Android platforms, allowing users to access the application conveniently from their mobile phones. This reduces response times and eliminates delays.

FAQs for Opportunity & Estimation

How does Kytes improve cost estimation for projects?

Kytes PSA provides a spreadsheet-like capability to perform comprehensive cost estimates, including resource loading, hardware, software, travel, and other direct and indirect costs. This helps create detailed financial blueprints for effective expenditure management.

What is profitability-led revenue guidance in Kytes?

Kytes PSA enables accurate revenue proposals based on predefined markups for different line items and business models. It also provides proposed cash flow based on cost estimation, ensuring profitability-led revenue guidance.

Does Kytes ensure proposal governance?

Yes. Kytes PSA offers a digital approval process for different stakeholders to review aspects such as margins and associated risks, ensuring that proposals meet minimum commercial and statutory compliances.

What are the benefits of Kytes’ automated proposal builder?

Kytes PSA’ automated proposal builder creates accurate and relevant business proposals or quote templates quickly. It enables online collaboration across different functions, resulting in comprehensive and faster proposals.

How does Kytes enhance forecasting capabilities?

Kytes PSA improves forecasting capabilities by developing precise cost and revenue estimates for budgeting. This leads to more reliable projections and proposals, enabling effective expenditure management and strict budget adherence.

FAQs for Report & Analytics

What actionable insights does Kytes provide?

Kytes PSA offers descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics to help stakeholders make informed decisions. Graphical dashboards and drilled-down reports provide comprehensive insights across roles, functions, and regions.

What are the features of Kytes’ reporting engine?

Kytes’ PSA reporting server allows in-house teams to develop their own reports using the integrated reporting engine BIRT. Users can generate professional-looking reports, configure sorting dimensions, filters, and formulas, and export information to Excel and PDF.

How does Kytes integrate with data warehouses?

Kytes PSA offers an integrated data warehouse using the ELT process, enabling customers to create custom reports and analytics with BI tools like Power BI, Tableau, and Zoho. These tools are integrated with Kytes for real-time performance even with large datasets.

What is the role-based portal in Kytes?

Kytes PSA provides a role-based portal to display relevant reports and dashboards for each logged-in role. This feature helps users navigate easily and make faster decisions based on tailored information.

Can Kytes deliver analytics?

Yes. Kytes PSA delivers analytics via automatic emails, ensuring that users receive timely and actionable insights. This feature enhances the decision-making process by providing critical data directly to the user’s inbox.

FAQs for Enterprise Integrations

Can Kytes ensure data accuracy through integrations?

Yes. Kytes PSA integrates with multiple applications such as CRM, ERP, Accounting, and HRMS, ensuring data consistency and accuracy across all systems. This integration eliminates data duplication and maintains data integrity.

What types of integrations does Kytes support?

Kytes PSA supports real-time integrations using RestAPIs and scheduler-based integrations through its built-in scheduler framework. These integrations enable seamless data flow between Kytes and other applications.

How do Kytes integrations improve efficiency?

Kytes PSA integrations allow data entered in one application to be automatically available in other applications, eliminating the need for duplicate data entry and improving overall efficiency across the organization’s IT landscape.

What benefits does enhanced collaboration bring with Kytes integrations?

Kytes PSA integrations enhance collaboration by allowing users to stick to their specific roles and applications while data seamlessly appears across the system. This promotes seamless collaboration and data sharing among teams.

How does Kytes provide a single version of truth?

Kytes PSA integrates with existing IT landscapes to provide a single version of truth across all applications. This integration ensures that all data is consistent, accurate, and accessible, supporting better decision-making and operational efficiency.

Scale new heights with Kytes

Get ready to redefine culture of efficiency, productivity and profitability with Kytes.